自由遊健身單車源於瑞典,可以鍛鍊使用者的身心。單車外型設計獨特,除了基本的單車把手及腳踏外,另外會有一個半球體屏幕作投影之用。它採用了我們日常從Google 地圖的街道實景技術,透過半球體屏幕將真實的街景呈現出來。讓長者暫時忘卻自己身在何處,全身全心投入模擬實景中,過程就像騎真正的單車一樣,隨時隨地開展一場新的旅程。 自由遊健身單車適用於有認知障礙的人士。它可以廣泛地用於康復及日常活動、溝通和運動技能,以及感官刺激,並可以在安全、可重複和為養成習慣的條件下使用。身體殘疾的人如:平衡問題、腦癱、後天性腦損傷或超重、記憶困難,皆可使用自由遊健身單車鍛煉身體,令使用者與他人的互動更愉快和有意義。
BikeAround™, a Swedish invention, is uniquely designed to integrate exercising with virtual travelling, which comes with a set of handle and pedal that resembles a normal bike, along with a hemispherical screen and projector for the immersion experience. It is achieved by incorporating street view function in Google Map into the biking system, allowing the elderly to be immersed in a brand new journey to anywhere at anytime. BikeAround™ is suitable for people with cognitive disabilities. It can be successfully used in the process of rehabilitation and daily activities. Communication, motor skills and sensory stimulation, can be exercised under conditions that are safe, repeatable and customary. People with physical disabilities, such as balance problems, cerebral palsy, acquired brain injuries or overweight, or those with memory difficulties, can also exercise with BikeAround™ to interact with others more pleasurable and meaningful.